Birchwood Big Local has responded to local residents concerns and have provided a number of key improvements to Birchwood. After many residents raised concern about speeding traffic through the area and much research and assistance from Lincolnshire County Council. It was decided to install two Speed Indicator Devices (SID’s) on Birchwood Avenue. Both these devices are capable of recording traffic speed and flow data which has been really helpful in indicating when and where the speed of vehicles is over safe limits.
Following the obvious success of the first two, Birchwood Big Local arranged the installation of two more SID’s on Birchwood Avenue, four on Woodfield Avenue and 2 on Fulmar Road. 10 in total!
Please see the photos below. All the evidence points to the SID’s making an obvious difference to the speed of traffic through our area and which has been proved to reduce the risk of serious injury and collisions.
Another need that has been raised is the shortage of seating in the area especially adjacent to bus stops. You will now find a number of seats have been installed in key areas.